
The licenses prices update for 2023 is suspended


By decision of the CCPJ Plenary, the recent licenses prices update for 2023 is now suspended pending order from the Ministry of Culture.

Journalists who have paid the prices that came into force from February 1st to this date will be contacted by the CCPJ so that they can be refunded or, if they wish, the amount will be deducted in the next revalidation (e.g. those who paid 76 euros for their card will be refunded 5.50 euros, because the card will continue to cost 70.50 euros).


The CCPJ Plenary

March 15th 2023


If you need any information regarding this or any other matters, please contact us via

License Prices - 2023 update



The price concerning the granting and renewing applications for the professional licenses issued by this CCPJ is indexed to the National Minimum Wage.

Given the Minimum Wage increase for 2023, here’s the update of the license prices:


Professional License


Updated Price

Professional Journalist License

Renewing and granting

€ 76

Intern Temporary License (12 months)


€ 15,20

Intern Temporary License (18 months)


€ 22,80

Equivalent to Journalist ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 106,40

Foreign Correspondent ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 76

Collaborator ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 30,40

Collaborator in the Portuguese Communities ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 30,40


These prices do not include the € 4.20 postal fee.

As decided by the Secretariat of the CCPJ, the new table will come into force starting February 1st 2023.


The Secretariat

Cooptation of the new President of the CCPJ for the 2022-2025 triennium


As a result of the plenary meeting that took place May 6th 2022, Mrs. Licínia Girão was coopted as the new President of the CCPJ for the 2022-2025 triennium. The new President was invested before the other Members of the CCPJ in the subsequent plenary meeting, which took place May 11th 2022.

License Prices - 2022 update


The price concerning the granting and renewing applications for the professional licenses issued by this CCPJ is indexed to the National Minimum Wage.

Given the Minimum Wage increase for 2022, here’s the update of the license prices:


Professional License


Updated Price

Professional Journalist License

Renewing and granting

€ 70,50

Intern Temporary License (12 months)


€ 14,10

Intern Temporary License (18 months)


€ 21,15

Equivalent to Journalist ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 98,70

Foreign Correspondent ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 70,50

Collaborator ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 28,20

Collaborator in the Portuguese Communities ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 28,20


These prices do not include the € 3,50 postal fee.

As decided by the Secretariat of the CCPJ, the new table will come into force starting February 15th 2022.


The Secretariat

License Prices - 2021 update


The price concerning the granting and renewing applications for the professional licenses issued by this CCPJ is indexed to the National Minimum Wage.

Given the Minimum Wage increase for 2021, here’s the update of the license prices:


Professional License


Updated Price

Professional Journalist License

Renewing and granting

€ 66,50

Intern Temporary License (12 months)


€ 13,30

Intern Temporary License (18 months)


€ 19,95

Equivalent to Journalist ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 93,10

Foreign Correspondent ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 66,50

Collaborator ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 26,60

Collaborator in the Portuguese Communities ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 26,60


These prices do not include the € 3,50 postal fee.

As decided by the Secretariat of the CCPJ, the new table will come into force starting February 15th 2021.


The Secretariat

License Prices - 2020 update

The price concerning the granting and renewing applications for the professional licenses issued by this CCPJ is indexed to the National Minimum Wage.

Given the Minimum Wage increase for 2020, here’s the update of the license prices:


Professional License


Updated Price

Professional Journalist License

Renewing and granting

€ 63,50

Intern Temporary License (12 months)


€ 12,70

Intern Temporary License (18 months)


€ 19,05

Equivalent to Journalist ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 88,90

Foreign Correspondent ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 63,50

Collaborator ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 25,40

Collaborator in the Portuguese Communities ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 25,40


As decided by the Secretariat of the CCPJ, the new table will come into force starting February 1st 2020.


The Secretariat

License Prices - 2019 update


April 4th 2019


The price concerning the granting and renewing applications for the professional licenses issued by this CCPJ is indexed to the National Minimum Wage.

Given the Minimum Wage increase for 2019, here’s the update of the license prices:


Professional License


Updated Price

Professional Journalist License

Renewing and granting

€ 60,00

Intern Temporary License (12 months)


€ 12,00

Intern Temporary License (18 months)


€ 18,00

Equivalent to Journalist ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 84,00

Foreign Correspondent ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 60,00

Collaborator ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 24,00

Collaborator in the Portuguese Communities ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 24,00


As decided by the Secretariat of the CCPJ, the new table will come into force starting May 1st 2019.


The Secretariat

Cooptation of the new President of the CCPJ

As a result of the plenary meeting that took place January 22nd 2019, Ms. Leonete Botelho was coopted as the new President of the CCPJ for the 2018/2021 triennium. The new President was invested before the other Members of the CCPJ in the subsequent plenary meeting, which took place January 30th 2019.

New CCPJ Members

Following the latest elections (which took place December 5th 2018) for the representatives of the journalists in the CCPJ for the 2018/2021 triennium, these are the journalists appointed by the sector operators and those elected by their peers:

Members appointed by the sector operators:

Isabel Magalhães – C.P. 1024 A;
Luís Mendonça – C.P. 1407 A;
Albérico Fernandes – C.P. 20 A;
Francisco Rebelo dos Santos – TE21 A.

Members elected by the journalists:

Jacinto Godinho – C.P. 772 A;
Marina Pimentel – C.P. 492 A;
Anabela Natário – C.P. 326 A;
Miguel Alexandre Ganhão – C.P. 1552 A;

The CCPJ charter will be completed once the President is co-opted. The co-optation will take place during the first Plenary meeting, which will be held January 16th 2019.

Lisbon December 19th 2018

License Prices – 2018 update

January 22nd 2018


The price concerning the granting and renewing applications for the professional licenses issued by this CCPJ is indexed to the National Minimum Wage.

Given the Minimum Wage increase for 2018, here’s the update of the license prices:


Professional License


Updated Price

Professional Journalist License

Renewing and granting

€ 58,00

Intern Temporary License (12 months)


€ 11,60

Intern Temporary License (18 months)


€ 17,40

Equivalent to Journalist ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 81,20

Foreign Correspondent ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 58,00

Collaborator ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 23,20

Collaborator in the Portuguese Communities ID Card

Renewing and granting

€ 23,20


As decided by the Secretariat of the CCPJ, the new table will come into force starting February 1st 2018.


The Secretariat

Renumbering of Professional Licenses

December 4th 2017

Over ten years have passed since the last renumbering of journalists’ professional licenses and other licenses issued by this CCPJ. To provide an authentic relation between the number of licenses and the number of holders, the CCPJ will proceed to a new renumbering.
In fact, this procedure will allow a more accurate portrait of the years of experience and the profile of journalists who hold a professional license. Therefore, it also represents a tool that will help universities and other researchers in this area to study it.
In order to avoid that, due to this renumbering, two professional licenses (held by two different journalists) would coexist with the same number, the CCPJ decided that an alphabetical suffix (the letter “A”) will feature in the end of each new number.
Consequently, starting January 1st 2018, and for the subsequent two year period, all the new licenses will be identified by the new license number, featuring the letter A in the end (e.g. 50-A; 500-A; 5000-A), so that there is a difference between the holder of license 50-A and the holder of license 50 (for as long as the latter is still valid).

For this operation to take place without problems, it is crucial for all the holders of professional licenses that expire this December to renew their cards. This action is obligatory until December 31st 2017.
Obviously, those who fail to meet this deadline, besides being in an illegal situation, will not be included in this renumbering. They will get new numbers when they at last submit the application.  
The renumbered professional licenses will substitute the current ones as their holders submit their applications.


The CCPJ Plenary